OK, so here are some Daily Arts that I've done the last couple days. They're in the order of the most recent to the oldest:
07_23_07 Dishes: didn't have much time to make anything crazy last night when I got home but I figured I always have time to fit in a sketch of something. So I drew the post-supper dirty dishes. I wanted to make it feel like more then just a sketch so I scanned it in and added some quick color.
07_22_07 French Bulldog with Flower Pattern: this piece is hand drawn and painted in layers, then all the layers were scanned in and colored and assembled. It's 7" x 9.5" It's the only one of these Daily Arts that made the Etsy cut. I'm not really happy with the other pieces. Ehn, I like the Dishes sketch but I don't know if anyone would want a drawing of dirty dishes. Here is the listing for the French Bulldog print.
07_21_07 Sewing machine: Watercolor of my sewing machine with the cute flower fabric I used for the bracelet. It's about 4.5" x 6.5". Not especially happy with this one, but I figure I'm not going to like everything, I'm just happy I did it in the first place.
07_20_07 Flower Bracelet: This is made out of a silky fabric. Like the idea but I think it needs to be refined yet. But it's a start.
So there you have it, my last couple Daily Art pieces. woo hoo!
I think they're all very nice, especially the bulldog!