
Our new holiday favorite! Wooly Woodland Zipper Pouches.

I recently gifted myself something that I've been wanting to play with for a long time. A machine embroidery sewing machine! Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my hand embroidery roots, I just wanted to experiment in a "new for me" medium.

Look what I made! A little zippered fox pouch.

It's made out of fluffed up 100% wool fabric with a cute cotton lining. I was so excited about the little pouch, that I of course immediately posted it to facebook, twitter and instagram.

I was pretty quickly emailed by several people that they would like one, so I thought,
"How fun! I'll make some more!" 
and decided I would make up a limited amount of them especially for the holidays.

I'm still working out the details about when they'll be released (I've just started to make more). If you would like more info on the Wooly Woodland Zipper Pouches and want to stay updated on when they'll be available, click the link below.

Click here to stay up to date on the release of our Wooly Woodland Zipper Pouches.

You'll be the FIRST to know when they're available, and have FIRST DIBS on them before I share them on our main newsletter and other social media.

And now for a pile of cute...

Look at this pile of wool that I've stitched already. There are hedgehogs, foxes, owls, and even raccoons! I can't wait to make more!

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