
Designer's Choice winner for the Critter Patch and Threadbias Baby Quilt Design Contest

We have a winner for the Threadbias Baby Quilt Design Contest featuring our Critter Patch organic fabric line from Clothworks Textiles. And the winning quilt design for the Designer's Choice category is...


Natural Corridors

by ml_wilkie

Why did I choose it as the winner?

I love the simplicity of this quilt but it's still full of design details. I like how each of the Critter Patch patterns lives in it's own small space within a small square or triangle. Sometimes the triangle lives alone and sometimes it's paired with another. Ml_wilkies description of the quilt is: Modern asymmetric quilt, interpreting habitat corridors that connect wildlife populations. I think the squares and triangles living alone and some of the other triangles living together perfectly show this. It's like the sparrows that throw all the bird seed from the feeder to the ground so that the chipmunks have some food too. Ok, maybe not the best example, but it's the "wildlife" that I see out of my studio window.

The other part I like about the quilt is that the squares and triangles as a group are centered within the quilt as a whole, but they appear off-center because of the cream square that they're positioned on. It's a simple gesture that I find really interesting. It's tugging on my graphic designer heartstrings.

More winners.

I wanted to thank everyone who participated in designing a quilt. It was amazingly inspiring to see what you came up with. To see the People's choice winner and the two runners up for each category, check out the Threadbias post. Check out all the entries here. Ml_wilkies and the People's choice winner will receive all the Critter Patch fabric they need to actually make their quilt design. How amazing is that! Congrats all!

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