
The one concept that is changing the way I run my business: Accepting outside help

The one concept that is changing the way I run my business: Accepting outside help

I recently had the honor to write a guest post over on the Create & Thrive blog. They're all about sharing real advice on how to turn your handmade hobby into a full-time business. Obviously, I'm super excited about that topic!

The one concept that is changing the way I run my business: Accepting outside help

The article I wrote for them was about an experience I had while working on our craft book, Sew & Stitch Embroidery.

During the process of writing Sew & Stitch Embroidery, I went through several lows, like dealing with the stress of a 4 month deadline, and having 5 completed (and photographed) projects dropped due to space issues. I also had amazing highs, like getting to come up with and make so many fun projects, working with a dream photographer, and holding the finished book in my hands. Surprisingly though, the most eye opening part of the whole process happened after all of this. It was during the book’s blog tour.
It was during the blog tour that I realized I was working on my business all wrong.

Read the full article on the Create & Thrive blog by clicking here.


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  2. Moreover, I have totally changed my view on writing a thesis after I accepted external assistance. In the beginning, I was a self-made researcher, a self-made editor, and a self-made writer, but I soon became buried in the workload. That’s when I decided to reach out to a thesis writing service for support. They assisted me in revising the organization of the paper, the logical flow of the arguments, and the language of the paper itself. What struck me the most is how effective it was in reducing the burden of work and the time consumed, thereby enabling me to attend to other critical areas of my research. Such a notion was revolutionary, for it taught me to ask for assistance as an advantage in improving one’s output, not in any way as a flaw—just as the author of Sew & Stitch Embroidery did with her craft book.
