
Prepping for Christmas break

The No Coast Craft-o-Rama craft fair was this weekend, and it was super fun and great. However, now that it's over, all that I can think about is Christmas break! The hubs and I are taking Christmas to New Year's off and are spending it at my parent's house in Wisconsin.

And what does a break look like? Eating yummy food, sitting by the fire, hanging out with family, and of course...CRAFTING! The rare time I actually have a real break, I immediately feel the need to start new projects, try new ideas, and attempt to finish projects that have just been sitting in the studio forever.

I couldn't wait anymore last night and had to get started on something. I decided to start a new "this will take me a lifetime to finish" quilt. It's going to be completely hand stitched using the English Paper Piecing technique, and be made from the hubs and my old clothes that I've been hanging onto. Check out my start in the pics below.

Cut out paper pieces from a No Coast Craft-o-Rama craft fair poster. Yay for recycling!
About 2am. Took hours and hours and hours to get this far. Have to remind myself that it's OK if this project takes a long time to complete.
Even made up a cute little portable bin!
What are my other projects on the Holiday docket? I have a bin of projects all ready to go of things I've been meaning to do.

1. Make a fleece or flannel lining for the knit cowl I made a few years ago.
I love this and want to wear it so badly, but it's too itchy.

2. Make a stuffed animal bear out of mohair. 
I've had this kit for probably over 10 years. I think I've just been scared to cut into the beautiful mohair. Also, I rarely end up making things from other people's patterns because I always want to change them right away so they're more Penguin & Fish-y style. Well not this time...I'm doing this one by the book. I will, however probably knit him a little scarf when he's done.

3. Make the "Note Taker" writing pad folder by Pink Chalk Studio
I got this at the Spring International Quilt Market in Portland last spring. I think it's totally cute and I've been wanting to make one. Just haven't got to it yet.

4. Make a "Pointless Wonder" quilt top.
Another kit that I've had laying around for over 10 years. I'm at the "THIS NEEDS TO BE FINISHED NOW" point. It's a quilt made up of wonky 5 point stars, all with the tips of the points cropped off at the edge of the blocks. The pattern and fabrics in the kit aren't quite my style, however it looks like it uses a pretty interesting technique for making the stars, so I'm excited about that. And I want it to be finished so it's not sitting around anymore.

Bin of projects all ready to go.
And last but not least...

5. Finish the top for my jeans log cabin quilt.
I've been working on this fellow on and off for about 5 years now. I cut up the hubs old jean (he goes through a lot of jeans) into 1 1/2 inch strips and have been making "log cabin" blocks. I'm practically done with the blocks and almost ready to sew them together into a top. I'm pretty excited about getting this project to "quilt top" form. I'm also excited for it to not be sitting on my printer anymore.

Jean quilt. My printer is sick of being weighed down.

So by "last but not least" I actually mean "not least". I know my mom has plans to work on couple of quilt tops and some infinity scarves. I'm also going to be bringing home my embroidery sewing machine and a computer, so who knows what else we'll come up with while we're there. And yes, I do realize that my vacation will be at most, 10 days long, and it's crazy to think I could actually finish all of these projects. I'm hoping finishing all the projects will be a beautiful Christmas Miracle.

What are you working on over the holidays?